Abandoned Piano, Hampden, ME
Big Church, Little Church, East Lamoine, ME
Abandoned, North Lamoine, ME
Window, Stairs, and Coat Hangers
Xana-do Hair Salon & Spa, Madison, ME
Will Picking Dandelions, Jonesport, ME
Lawn Figurines, Pittsburg, NH
Fitzhenry's Store, East Machias, ME
Wayne Greeting Passersby, Milbridge, ME
Front Door with Lace Curtain, Whiting, ME
Cat in Window, 179 Main Street, Jonesport, ME
FV Donna Marie, Indian River, ME
Sardine History Museum, Jonesport, ME
Gift Shop Window, Roque Bluffs, ME
Gordon's Mobilgas, Newbury, NH
Rear Door of Antique Shop, Cornish, ME
Wild Blueberry Land, Columbia Falls, ME
Boucher's Corner Store, East Rochester, NH
Ruth & Wimpy's Restaurant, Hancock, ME
Come On In, Ossipee, NH
Strand Theater, Dover, NH
Boxcar in the Woods, Meddybemps, ME
Abandoned House Detail, Whiting, ME
Church Facade, Eastport, ME
Windows, Kezar Falls Woolen Mills, Kezar Falls, ME
Mural, Waves & Wheels, Wells, ME
Skid Marks, Sanford Mill Complex, Sanford, ME
Father & Son Skateboarding, Sanford, ME
John, Bramble, and Mike, South Eliiot, ME
Norton's Garage, South Eliiot, ME
H.O.M.E., Orland, ME
Bandstand with Bunting, Effingham, NH
Railroad Museum, Wakefield, NH
No-U-Turn, Ossipee, NH
Abandoned House wi/ Daylilies, Jonesboro, ME
Abandoned Shed, Waterboro, ME
John's Used Cars, Chelsea, ME
Lincoln Continental Mark III, South Eliot, ME